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Slab-Sided Bundles of Energy: Huge Bluegills on the Fly

Start your quest for 2-pound 'gills on deep summer spawning sites.

Slab-Sided Bundles of Energy: Huge Bluegills on the Fly

A bluegill pushing 2 pounds nearly overlaps a commode lid and, yes, you might want to put that beast on the reel. 

This article was originally entitled "Summer 'Gills" in the July-September 2010 issue of Fly Fisherman.

Big bluegills. That’s an oxymoron, right? Like “jumbo shrimp”?

If this seems like a joke, it’s probably because your first fish, like mine, was a worm-caught bluegill not much bigger than a soda cracker. We were thrilled, of course, but our initial excitement began to wane after it became apparent that there was an eager and seemingly inexhaustible supply of them. Not surprisingly, we soon moved on to bigger and more challenging species. Even so, I have occasionally wondered how things might have turned out if that first bluegill had...

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