Smith & Wesson Response PCC: Now Taking SIG Mags
Smith & Wesson's John Myles has been a regular on the New Product Premier, and he joins Joe Kurtenbach to run it back again at SHOT Show 2024. Last year the company introduced the Response pistol caliber carbine (PCC), an AR-styled platform designed to run off commonly available semiautomatic pistol magazines. A direct-blowback action powers the Response, but what sets the gun apart is its interchangeable magazine well. Mag wells are easy to swap for owners, and the Response comes with both an M&P mag option, as well as a mag well for Glock-pattern 9mm magazines. New for 2024 is a magazine well for SIG Sauer P320 mags. No matter what pistol platform you choose to shoot, Smith & Wesson wants you to rely on the Response for your PCC needs.