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Manitoba Fly-In Lodges Offer Grand Slam Potential

Capture your Canadian Grand Slam at these beautiful Manitoba fly-in destinations.

Manitoba Fly-In Lodges Offer Grand Slam Potential

Manitoba Fly-in Fishing Grand Slam

It’s the pinnacle of North American sport-fishing collectives; a coveted achievement for which anglers gladly invest time and treasure. The Canadian Grand Slam comprising northern pike, walleye, lake trout, brook trout and arctic grayling beckons anglers near and far; and those fortunate enough to experience this milestone—or trophy catches for any of the member species—return home with tales to last a lifetime.

For authentic reflections, we turned to Manitoba’s top fly-in lodges for a taste of what to expect. Here’s an appetizing snapshot for the Canadian Grand Slam lineup. And just for fun, we added smallmouth bass to the mix.

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