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6 Important Tips to Win the Rut This November

November is here! Now is the time to pull out all the stops and earn an encounter with a buck. Stay focused and heed this advice to help fill your tag.

6 Important Tips to Win the Rut This November
The whitetail rut can be powerful, even when Mother Nature doesn't blow in a cold front. Keep yourself in the woods, and good things will happen.

October's final week is one of the most exciting times of the year for whitetail hunters. Besides being an excellent week to run carbon through a trophy buck, anticipation for what's to come rapidly builds. New rub lines are blazed, scrapes get thrashed, and trail camera activity peaks. Maybe a random new shooter shows up.

Any way you slice it, there's something magical about the October to November calendar flip. A switch goes off — in both the woods and the hearts and minds of those chasing North America's favorite big-game animal.

Still, November offers no guarantees. Mother Nature can blow in a warm spell and slow rut activity. That buck you've been watching all...

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